Sunday, September 18, 2011

Back To Business

I'm grateful for awesome, loving family and friends... I'm grateful for understanding and caring coworkers... I'm grateful for time to rest... I'm grateful for the most patient, amazing husband ever... And now I'm grateful for getting back to business.

I'm still a little worn out and rough around the edges, but this week I'm going to start back with light workouts and my first full week back to work. I'm 17 pounds away from my "under 200" goal - so let's get things back on track! I'm looking for new recipes, exercise ideas and new places to visit, so please feel free to share. Here's what I'm loving lately:

Label M Salon Products - My very favorite Twin Cities salon - Bella Edina - is carrying the best new product line ever! It's straight from London and it's amazing. I've been using their Volume Foam and Dry Shampoo. The product is lightweight, high quality and actually does what it's supposed to do - a miracle! Bella is the only salon in the area to carry this line, so stroll on through and snatch some up:

Bella Edina
5015 Ewing Avenue South
Edina, MN 55410
(612) 928-7835

And while you're there you could always make an appointment with my stylist, (hair magician and very best friend) Ashleigh Banks or with one of the other lovely and highly talented Bella stylists.

Kioyonna - If you're a curvy girl, you've got to check out Kiyonna. I've never been disappointed by a purchase. These poeple know how to dress curves and manufacture one heck of a garment. I've got a huge "wish list" going. Check them out online, you'll thank me:

Tradtional Medicinals Tea - I love coffee. I actually love the things I put in coffee like skim milk and sugar more, but those aren't always the best things for you. So I'm working on loving tea. It's not my favorite, but I'm learning. Traditional Medicinals is my favorite brand. It's an herbal tea line, and I'm now addicted to their Organic Green Tea with Ginger and Nighty Night Tea.

Yay for trying new things and getting back to old routines. Here's to a fresh start and feeling better! *MUAH*

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy.

It's been almost month since I last checked in and it's been a wild ride. So here goes...

The good news is I'm not allergic to dairy (yay for butter!) but the bad news is I'm going to need a little more than some Tums to solve my tummy ache.

My lack of energy and awful tummy pains brought me to my doctor. My doctor found a fibroid (a non-cancerous tumor) on my uterus. It's a common condition that tons of women deal with and is usually be resolved with a quick office visit. Unfortunately my case is not so simple. The fibroid is large and in a complicated spot, so I'll have to have open abdominal surgery to remove it and repair the damage it's done. So, after the 26th of August it'll be six solid weeks of rest for this girl.

Am I scared? Yep. Am I tough? Yep. Will I get through this and get right back to losing the 19 pounds that are standing in the way of my first big weight loss goal? Yep. And most importantly, will I feel better after all this is done? Yep.

I have an amazing family and group of friends. I feel loved and blessed and ready to go, and in the mean time I'm going to keep up with the healthy eating and exercise, because I've lost 45 pounds (yay for 45 pounds!) but I have more to go and I'm ready to be healthy on the inside too.

Well enough of that serious need to worry, here's what's been keeping me happy:

Kiss Print Skirts and Little Black Tanks Tops

My Husband's "Peter Griffin" Laugh

Hilarious Parties with Hilarious Boys

Toes in the Sand

Chubby-Cheeked Baby Cheerleaders

Smiling Puppies

And Of Course...


Monday, July 11, 2011


"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it." - Mae West

Staying on track is serious business. I've got vices and I'm certainly not going to pretend that I've suddenly acquired an iron-clad willpower. So what does one do to keep one's self in check? Here's what helping me stay focused this week:

I've got a major sweet tooth. My tummy always thinks there's room for dessert but that doesn't go so well with the nutrition plan. Enter my newest find: Temptations by Jello - Strawberry Cheesecake. These are delicious and help to avoid a spontaneous Cheesecake Factory visit. Yum!


I could shop all day, every day. I particularly enjoy shopping with other people's money so if you have any spare money laying around just waiting to be spent, let me know because I'd be happy to take it off your hands...
Anyways, as fabulous as a good shopping trip can be, it's an expensive habit (and nobody likes a big pile of debt) so I'm in constant search of the elusive "good bargain" but it's got to be good quality and uber cute.  My newest favorite find is Len. It's Len Druskin's outlet store and it's chock-full of cute clothes, jewelry, purses and shoes (I've still gotta shop people). It's the perfect place for a former "Galleria" girl, who's working on a budget...and who the hell isn't on a budget these days?

It's been a crazy week and it's easy to lose focus when you're in the middle of chaos. In an effort to keep the food and exercise in order, my newest source of motivation will be taking up prime real estate on my refrigerator door:


As you see I've got some work to do, so I better start with some beauty rest!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Dose of Perspective

Sometimes life is hard and sometimes life is easy-breezy. Sometimes life is neat and sometimes life is oh so messy.

I've been messy lately...and whiny...and lazy. I've been wrapped up in the comings and goings of not-so- important things and seem to have lost my focus and with it, my perspective.

I've been bouncing up and down between the same three pounds for a month because I've lost my focus. I haven't blogged in nearly a month because I've lost my focus. Quality time with my husband and family? I'm absorbed in my own nonsense and there went my focus. Finding the sunshine in a cloudy day? There's that focus again. Little things started to seem big and big things started to seem unbearable. Excuses started to get in the way. Life started to get "messy" and "overwhelming" and then things on my to-do list were getting shelved.

Well this weekend I was given a healthy dose of perspective. I heard very sad news about a very young person who lost their life to cancer. Gone like that. Nothing I have going on is that overwhelming, not even close.

Complaining seems to be an epidemic these days, and here's the truth - we all have a lot to look forward to and a lot to get done. So I'm going to do myself a favor, pull myself up by the my bootstraps and dig my focus out of that pile of negativity. Time to get back to business...starting with a trip on elliptical and a snuggle with my adorable fluffy pup and my favorite blue-eyed boy.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dear Sarah...

Dear Sarah,

This is your last week of boot camp. Final weigh-in and fitness assessment are next Tuesday. You've worked for months, losing weight and learning how to live - but it's time for new adventure. So here's a little advice for the next chapter...

*Don't forget to eat your fruits and veggies. They make you happy...and less chubby.
*Set new goals and work with everything you've got to make them happen.
*Don't be too hard on yourself. You've got work to do, but you've also got a lot to be proud of. Nobody's perfect kid, nobody.

*Don't forget where you were...

*Or how far you've come...

*Or where you want to be...



*Be bold. Because you've already posted a picture of yourself on the Internet in swimsuit, so there's not much left to hide.

*Don't forget to blog. Share your stories - your successes and failures, because you'll have some of both and writing about them helps figure it all out.

*Do want you can. Everyone else and everything else will sort itself out.

You've come a long way babe. I'm excited to see what you do next... XOXO, Sarah

Monday, May 30, 2011

Must Love Sweat

Never say never. That's what I've learned. I never thought I'd like exercise and I never thought I'd like to sweat. Well, I was wrong. Never say never...

I've been working my butt off for nearly six months. Every pound and inch I've lost I've had to fight for. I've cried, laughed, screamed, smiled, failed and succeeded my way through nearly forty pounds.  It's never been easy, but it's always been worth it.

I've only got a few more weeks left of boot camp so I've been busy trying new foods like greek yogurt (which I love and can't go a day without) and new workout routines like Zumba - watch out Shakira - and Cardio Kickboxing - watch out world, I'm a uncoordinated kicking machine. If you haven't tried any or all  of the above listed items you've got to.  Seriously, I'll even try them with you.

I'm learning to love new adventures and with the new adventures I've got a few milestones to report:

*I can bear the thought of wearing shorts in public.

*I can eat a blueberry muffin without gaining five pounds or  thinking about gaining five pounds. 

*I can now wear a size 18 jean. Which is four sizes smaller than I was sporting six months ago. Love!

*I can now feel a bicep. I can't really see it yet, but I can feel it, so I know it's there...and that's a good start.

Lots of things to be proud of. Lots of things to work hard for.  Lots of things to look forward to. 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yum! And Other Good Things.


Boca Original Chick'n
When I'm hankering for fast food (particularly the forbidden McDonald's chicken nugget) I turn to these puppies. They're half the fat of a regular chicken patty and when you crisp them up in the oven, they're pretty tasty. Its not a deep fried piece of chicken, but it'll do.

Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt
These suckers have no fat and are only 70 calories per bar. Go out and buy some to share with your friends...or keep them all to your self. I'm not judging. They're pretty darn good.

Other Good Things

1. Having your pants taken in, buying a smaller dress size and a new development this week! Having your wedding ring taken down a size or two. Yay for skinny fingers!

2. Feeling muscles in my arms, for the first time EVER. Calm down...there's no gun show, but there is definitely some muscle happening in there somewhere.

3. Trying new things. This week: gluten-free brownies and Zumba class. Wish me luck!

4. Compliments when you least expect them. I got a few today and either I was wearing one hell of a dress, or all my hard work is paying off.  Come to think of it, maybe it's both.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sassy Dress Season

Warm weather is finally upon us. The windows are open, the sun is shining, and the sandals are out. Pool time, bonfires and cocktails on the patio are here! I love this time of year. There's so much fun on the agenda and so many reason to buy something new to wear. That's right, thus begins sassy dress season!

At the top of the warm weather festivities for us this year, is a Maxey Family Wedding. If you know me, and you know my in-laws, then you know these people take their party planning seriously. They throw a damn good shindig; which means there's one thing left for me to do; find something to wear!

So online shopping  I went, and here's what I found:

Love, love, love!

I've got the dress on order and a little over six weeks to tone up and slim down to do this little number justice. I'm declaring this: "Sassy Red Dress Challenge 2011". After weeks of feeling blah, this is just the motivation I need to reboot my body. It's hardcore workouts and healthy eating full speed. No more slacking, it's "Sassy Red Dress Challenge 2011" or bust!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Not Quite Marilyn...But It's Progress

For the first time in a long time my weight is down in the 220s. That's a long, long way from the 250 plus pounds where I started. I decided to reward myself with a pretty, pink polka dot swimsuit. It's not an airbrushed goddess, it's not an "after" and it's not quite Marilyn, but it's progress...and I think it's pretty damn cute.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Little White Daisies

The older I get, the more I appreciate simple. I never thought I'd feel this way, but I crave simple. Less clutter, less drama, less stress, less worry. I'm there.

This weekend I was out and saw little white daisies. Daisies make me smile. They've always been close to my heart. They remind me of a women I never met but feel very much a part of - my Grandma Mary. I've been told Mary Jane Rusten was a gentle and practical women with a kind spirit and a loving heart. My dad tells me I have her eyes. I aspire to be more like her.

I recently read an article that suggested the key to a happier, healthier life was to live more like our grandparents did decades ago. Buy what you can afford, eat things from the ground (not a box), treat people with kindness, savor face-to-face conversations and learn to love and appreciate what you have today, because tomorrow you may have more, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be better.

So my little white daisies sit in their vase in my kitchen as a reminder to appreciate the simple things. I hope you do the same this week, because I think we could all benefit from a little sunshine.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Swimming In Pot Holes

I missed you.

Boot camp round two has been really tough. We're already five weeks in and I feel like I'm trudging up a mountain and speeding down a cliff all in the same breath.

I've been feeling just plain yucky the last few weeks. My tummy is upset and that seems to make everything a damn chore because I'm so worn out. My doctor informed me that my "stomach flu" was lactose intolerance, so it's two weeks of avoiding dairy and then we'll "reevaluate the situation".

Sidebar! Despite the suckiness of a cheese and butter-free diet, I have found a new love in the process. When I had to give up coffee with milk/creamer, I wandered into The Tea Garden for guidance from a tea-expert. What I found was peach, mango iced tea - I love it! Check them out:
I'm a go-go-go person, but when I'm not feeling well, things come to a screeching halt. Laundry is still in the hamper, errands are waiting to be ran and blogging definitely fell by the wayside. Needless to say, things have been a bit challenging, but I'm still working towards my goal and have absolutely no intention of giving up. Which reminds me...

A wise and lovely person wrote a witty little update on Facebook that made me smile and gave me a good dose of perspective..."Saw a mallard happily swimming and splashing in his own little lake: a large parking lot pot hole filled with water. Lesson of the day: when life gives you pot holes and rain, make like a duck and sploosh around."

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some pot holes to tend to.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fat Girl

I love to hear that people read my blog, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel good.

This weekend I had an interesting encounter that got me thinking. I had someone approach me and say, "I read your blog, I like your writing and really appreciate the fact that you're like: Hey, I'm a fat girl and I'm funny and I'm working on losing weight, but I love myself no matter what! I like that about you and I think other people like that about you."

Huh. You know, I think I like that about me too.

The truth is I am a fat girl (ooohh, I know I said the "f" word!), if I wasn't a fat girl, there wouldn't be a weight loss blog and a lifestyle change. But I'm also a smart girl, a confident girl, a funny girl and one heck of a resilient girl.

I've said it from the beginning that this journey is about being a healthier, happier person. The weight loss is important and necessary, but I'm not trying to change who I am. I'm never going to be a tall, skinny size six, but I'm working hard to be a healthy, curvy, toned size fourteen.

Weight loss is physical, but so much of it is mental. You only get one body and it's important you love and take care of the one you're given, but please don't forget to be kind to your soul.

I'm going to keep working and the weight will continue to come off, but I'll always be a fat girl on the inside. But you know, that's okay because I like her... she and I are learning to compromise. I'll give her a cupcake every once in awhile and remember the life lessons she's taught me, but she's going to let me hit the elliptical, fit into smaller jeans and do the things I've always wanted to, but never could.

I think we're a match made heaven.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Did I Go This Long Without You?

New loves this week!

Kashi Mushroom Trio and Spinach Pizza - I love spinach and mushroom pizza. Love. Unfortunately, pizza doesn't always top the "healthy eating" list. Good thing I found this healthier alternative to tied over my pizza craving. Yum!

City Chic - I've been in love with this Aussie plus-size brand forever. Their designs are fun, they have a easy to use sizing chart, not to mention their sale selection is always good (hey, I don't like to pay full price for anything) the only catch was they didn't offer shipping to the US. New development! Not only do they offer shipping here, but right now it's free! I officially let you know (in 7-10 business days) if the brand lives up to their rep. I can't wait!

Boots No.7 Sheer Temptation Lipstick in Tempt - I'm not one of those girls with a naturally-pink pout. Therefore, I'm constantly looking for the perfect sheer lip color. I found it! It goes on without the heaviness of lipstick or the sticky mess of gloss. It's perfect and on sale at Target right now.

My final love of the week? Driving home from work in the sunshine with the windows down. It's been too long. Keep the spring coming...


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Little Motivation

So here I am, week two of "Boot Camp Round Two" and it's an uphill battle. The workouts are definitely more intense and sometimes it feels I'm back at square one. With that being said, I think it's time to create a little motivation and set some new goals:

1. Let's try another 20 pounds, shall we? I know it'll be tough and it won't come off like the first 20 pounds but I'm going to work my butt off to get rid of this extra weight. I've got 30 pounds to go before I hit my first big goal weight (being under 200). It's baby steps to get it off and keep it off.

2. Wearing jeans in a size with a "1" in front of it opposed to a "2" for the first time in a long time. Right now I'm down from a size 24 to a size 20. I'm so close I can taste it!

3. Writing and sticking with an exercise "schedule". I love lists, I love appointments, I love schedules. Why wouldn't I schedule exercise in my day just like I would any other appointment?

4. I'm going to be the "Daughter of the Groom" this June. My dad and is lovely new bride Patty snuck off to Anguilla last month and tied the knot. They have a reception planned at the end of June to celebrate their nuptials and as the official "Daughter of the Groom", I think it's my duty to look extra sassy. I've got a new party dress to shop for!

5. I'd still like to look like this is a swimsuit:

Hey, it's not  exactly a new goal but it's a good one.

Last week had it good moments (thank you Wednesday!) but it also presented it's challenges. I found myself overwhelmed and under motivated, so here's my motivation. Time to brush myself off and get to it!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And Then There Was Wednesday

Some days are tough. Some weeks are tough. Heels break, coffee spills, work gets crazy, people get cranky, plans get cancelled...hell, even hair goes flat.

And then there was Wednesday. For whatever reason today; this very Wednesday was the silver lining. This boring, random, middle-of-the-week-day worked out, and today I found new favorites:

*Trader Joe's Black Bean and Roasted Corn Salsa

I'm in love. This tastes like summer and I'm pretty sure I could eat it on about anything. Throw this in with some lettuce and a little chicken and you've got it made.

*Wedding Dress Fitting

Today I had my fitting to alter my wedding dress, for the upcoming LLS charity event Jason and I are helping with. The tailor had to take in my dress (yes my official, wore-it-almost-six-years-ago dress) an inch on each side of the bodice! How could I not love Wednesday?

*Femme Fatale

Obviously. Tracks 1, 2, 3, 6, 11...Duh.

So thank you Wednesday for renewing my faith in this week. And yes, I know I can be a total Pollyanna, glass-is-half-full, optimist, but that's okay, maybe it'll catch on... ;)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back Where I Belong

The party shoes have been worn, the decorations have been put away and the flowers made their way to the wastebasket. Cupcakes, cocktails and dance parties...oh my! The hair, the makeup, the shopping trips; it's been one party after the next. But despite the fabulous time I've had, I think I may have gotten carried away. Frankly, I think I'm suffering from a glitter-induced hangover.

Now that the birthday party is long over and my week-long break from boot camp and blogging is done, it's time to get back to earth. Spring cleaning (time to purge the closets and drawers), grocery shopping (the fridge has nothing but eggs and ketchup - yikes!), and regular workouts (which started up again tonight - ouch!) are SO needed.

I know all that sounds so ordinary in comparison to the fun I've been having, but in all this excitement I realized how much I love and need that "everyday, ordinary" stuff.

I'll leave the glamour and fast-living to the professionals for now. So off I go, to my ordinary bed for my regular ole beauty-rest. Back safe and sound, right back where I belong.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Results Are In...

Tonight was the final fitness assessment of my twelve week boot camp. We weighed-in, took measurements, calculated our resting heart rates, measured body fat and had our blood pressures taken.

Here's what I did in twelve weeks of training...

*I'm 22 pounds lighter. Put that together with the 8 pounds I lost before boot camp began and you get...30!

*My blood pressure is back to a healthy 120/80.

*My resting heart rate made an astonishing leap from the high 90's to the 60's! It changed so drastically that my trainer ran the test twice to verify the reading.  I'm heart healthy now!

*I've lost well over a foot of inches off my body. My shoulders, arms, hips, abs, butt, thighs - everywhere. I'm shrinking!

*At week one, my body fat was at the highest possible on the register, twelve weeks later I've lost 4% body fat. My body composition has changed so much that my belly button is in a new spot on my tummy. Seriously. How do ya like them apples?

*And last but not least, I found my sassy, happy, silly self again. I missed her, I'm so glad she's back.

On Thursday I'll get all the official charts and calculations with exact percentages of muscle gained and fat lost (and yes, I do plan on hanging these charts on my fridge with a gold star). I can't wait to compare all the numbers on paper. So exciting!

So twelve weeks later I have a new body, it's not perfect, but it's different and I love it. A big thank you to my amazing trainer, Chris Dixon of Insider Training, who changed my perspective on everything "diet and exercise".  Here's to "Boot Camp Round Two" which starts March 29th. Let's see if we can bust those extra 30 pounds off this body in round two. Sound like a plan?


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Tomorrow I'll be another year older. Twenty-eight to be exact. I'm excited for twenty-eight.

Twenty-seven was bittersweet. Lots of changes. Some of them good and some of them challenging. I've absolutely felt a shift within myself in the past year. New habits were formed, fears were confronted, and priorities were set. It was a year all about growing up.

What will twenty-eight bring? I'm not sure, but here's what I'd like to try and fit in...

*New Foods
Last year I discovered my passion for goat cheese, spinach, agave, gluten-free baked goods and sushi. I wonder what I'll find this year? Yum.

I need a real one. Next winter. Someplace warm and with my friends. A definite must.

*Boot Camp Round Two
I'm ready for round two, there's 33 more pounds to lose to get to my first big "goal weight". I'm pumped.

*Dance Lessons
I want to learn to tango, to salsa or to just float effortlessly across the floor like a ballerina...who's with me?!?

I love her. I hope she comes here or near here. I'd love to see her in concert. She's amazing. My hero.

*New Places and New Things
I want to find new stores, new favorites. I want to go visit more museums, see more plays, take more road trips, watch more bonfires, give more hugs and get more kisses. I want to fall in love with my backyard and all the people in it, all over again.

Yep, I'm excited for twenty-eight.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here Comes The Bride - Again!

So far, my weight loss journey has hit some pretty fun milestones. 10 pounds gone, heels with no pain, dresses with no shapewear, 20 pounds gone, new jeans, two dress sizes smaller. But now, I've hit a whole new milestone... almost six years after I said "I Do" my wedding dress fits! Want to know the best part about this? I've got somewhere I need to where it and I hope you can join me:

Jason and I have a close friend who's family raises funds and awareness for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) in memory of their loved one, Jessica Stenvik.

Each year "Team Jessica" plans a group of events to support fundraising efforts. This year's kick-off event is a banquet with a twist...think "My Big Fat Greek" meets "Tony and Tina's" wedding - and they've asked Jason and I to play the bride and groom. We're recruited a few goofball friends and plan on making this one wedding you won't want to miss!

Here are the details:

When: Saturday April 16th, 2011 - 6:00pm
Where: The Elegance Room - 1009 109th Ave, NE - Blaine, MN
Your $15.00 ticket includes spaghetti dinner, beer, dancing and ugly bridesmaid dress contest and entertainment from the silliest bridal party around.

Team Jessica has asked guests bring a "wedding gift" to be raffled at upcoming LLS events. Gift cards, certificates or monetary donations help keep these events successful and are appreciated!

*Must Be 21 To Attend*

Tickets are limited, so please contact me to order yours!

Jason and I are really excited about helping out with such a fun event, for such a great cause. So throw on your dancing shoes and party with us to help find a cure!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Everyday Details

You don't realize how important the little details are until you're forced to work though your everyday routine without them. Here's a few things I missed hysterically, while I was away in California:

*Boot Camp
Our twelve week camp was put on hold while I was traveling. I missed my boot camp buddies with their funny stories and everyday encouragement. I missed my trainer, who forces me to both love him and hate him all in the same second. I even missed my painful, tear-inducing, exhausting and equally amazing workouts. I'm so glad to be back to boot camp. I can't wait to hit these last two weeks out of the park. Party dress here I come!

*Honey Nut Cheerios
Ever spent nine days in a hotel without a fridge or pantry? I can't tell you how badly I just wanted to have a damn bowl of cereal. Eating out for every meal really tests your willpower. I'm glad to be back to fresh food with less butter and less temptation.

Between adjusting to the time difference and long hours at work, by the time I was back to my hotel I was just plain pooped, so the blogging suffered. I love to write and love that you read, so I'm back to it. I missed you!

*Jason and Humphrey
I missed someone asking me where I put their socks/ shoes/ wallet/ jacket/ toothbrush. I missed someone barking in face at 6:00am to take them on a walk. I missed morning dance parties. I missed snuggling on the couch. I missed being needed. I missed my boys.

So now I'm back in my perfectly mundane life filled with routine and structure. No more room service and no more mint on my pillow. No more peace and no more quiet.

I couldn't be happier...


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Girl On The Go

Here I am!

I'm in the middle of my 10 day business trip in the currently not so warm and not so sunny California Apparently I brought the "bad" weather with me, because it snowed in San Francisco for the first time in 30 years. Now when I say "snowed" I mean there was frost on cars and a few flakes fell. However that's a MAJOR event here. The local news is discussing the "winter weather conditions". They actually shut down a part of the interstate for a few hours this morning due to "possible ice" - hilarious.

When I'm not watching Californians prepare for "Snowmagedon", I've been super busy at work, running around like a mad woman. Working long hours and living in a hotel have put my fitness and eating plan to the test, but I'm trying hard to stay on track. I make it a point to wake up early and drag my butt to the gym each morning because I know after a long, stressful day, my hotel room will be calling my name.

Eating well becomes challenge when you don't have a kitchen, so I'm watching my portions and trying to eat smart. It's tough to remember to eat and drink often enough when you're caught up in your day, so I've learned to grab things on the go, and this week I've found a new favorite:

Chocolate Chip Clif Bar

Yum, yum, yum. Is this thing a cookie? Clif Bars are the "big brother" to Luna Bars (same company, I guess this is the manly version of their energy bar) and these puppies are so good. Unlike some energy bars, you can taste the real ingredients (oatmeal, chocolate chunks, maybe some cinnamon?) and they keep you full for a reasonable amount of time. Pair this fella with a banana in the morning, and you've got a quick breakfast on the go.

Today I've got the day off and have plans to visit San Francisco for the first time. I'm going to be touristy and ridiculous and can't wait to tell you all about it.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


I love when things come together perfectly. I actually think I love "perfect" to a fault. To me, there's no better feeling than a clean house with folded laundry, groceries in the fridge and a schedule in check. I don't like when my nails are chipped, my floors are dirty, my coat is missing a button or I'm running late. I organize my drawers and closets once a month. I have a hard time relaxing because I'm always planning, coordinating or cleaning something, someone, someplace. I'm constantly thinking about how I can do things better. And while there are some benefits to my type-a insanity, it can take it toll. I am my toughest critic.

Right now I could tell you 15 things on my "to-do" list, and I don't think any of them are truly important to anybody but me.  I'm not sure where it comes from, but I've always felt the a certain intensity to strive for perfection. To be the best daughter, sister, wife and friend possible. Some days I feel perfect in my grasp, and some days I feel far, far away from it.

I've been working really hard to focus on the important things and let go the constant pursuit of "perfect". I have to remember to take time to eat right, exercise and invest my time in the people, places and things that I care about and that truly care about me. The rest is just details.

Being a responsible grown-up is definitely one of my full time jobs, but I don't want to miss out on all good things in life , because I was chasing a "perfect"that might not matter. Which reminds me, I think there's a couch with a blue-eyed, freckle-faced boy and a fluffy white pillow dog calling my name - and how could I say no to that?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Heart These

Tis the season for sweethearts. Valentine's Day is upon us and love is in the air - and while I know I'll be busy making kissy-faces at my sweetie all weekend long, I've also got a few new things I'm head over heels in love with...

*Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle Bars - These ice cream bars really live up to their name - Chocolate Truffle! I hate low calories desserts that taste fakey, this is so not one of those.

*Lucie Lu's Margeaux Dress in Blue Iris - Wrap dresses are amazing and anything by Lucie Lu is fantastic. A Lucie Lu wrap dress? I'm not sure there's anything better. If you're curvy and haven't been to Lucie's website, check it out. Her pieces fit like a glove and are super chic:

*Mumford and Sons - I love their sound, and can totally picture a cooler version of myself swirling around barefoot on a dimly lit dance floor to this song..."Mumford and Sons, will you be my valentine(s)?"


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Fourth Quarter

Week nine, here we are. Fours weeks of boot camp left. Eighteen boot camp pounds gone. Inches lost. My trainer calls it the fourth quarter. Time to push it, to hit the training sessions hard and the cardio homework harder.

My body craves exercise. It craves wholesome food. I can do things today, that I was incapable of doing two months ago. I've learned more about my body in these nine weeks than I have in the last...well...ever actually. I'm not hungry, I'm not cranky and I'm seeing progress.

And while I've worked very hard for my results, but I would of never gotten as far I as have today, without my boot camp training sessions and the trainer who runs it.

I've given high heels, low calorie cheese and yoga mats shout-outs on my blog. I think it's time to sing the praises of the man with the plan:

Chris Dixon of Insider Training

He's focused, knowledgeable, energetic, motivating and is a person who I can honestly say, truly loves what he does for a living. I hope everyone has a Chris Dixon in their life, and if you don't, well now you know where to get one.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Here's what I'm obsessed with this week:

*Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese with Trader Joe's 12 Grain Mini Snack Crackers - 35 calories in one spreadable wedge and 140 calories in 22 crackers. The best afternoon snack ever!

*Forever 21 + Plus Sizes - Dear Curvy Girls, Forever 21 is not just for skinny-minis. Check them out in-store at the Mall of America or online. Trendy, cheap and adorable.

*These Shoes - Don't they just scream my name? Love. 

Tonight my trainer introduced the resistance bands routine into our workout, to shake things up and help pick up the "booty shaping" pace.  Ironically, between band reps, cardio and wall-sits, one of my favorite songs came on...aaand it is was very fitting.

So how was the new routine? I think I'll let Duffy tell you, because I have a party-filled weekend right around the corner and this sassy princess need her beauty rest!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Trimming Up The Waistline, Fattening Up The Wallet

Healthy eating is not expensive. Fitness memberships and personal training sessions are not expensive.  Convenience is expensive. Dinners out, last minute shopping, fast food - that's the expensive stuff.

Sure your trip to McDonald's doesn't cost a lot, but go through your receipts or bank statement and add up all the fast food trips, dinners out and coffee shop stops in a week and you'll be shocked. Before I started boot camp I was spending well over $30.00 a week on morning trips to Caribou for a 500 calorie drink. That's $120.00 and 10,000 calories a month for coffee. Yikes!

At the beginning of this journey, I set out to shrink my waistline and fatten my wallet; what I didn't realize then was these two things actually go hand in hand. Moving your body and eating better changes everything. You look better, you feel better and you spend better. I plan before I grocery shop, eating out is an occasion (not a everyday event) and Caribou is a special treat. I'm now officially a barginista. I budget. I'm in love with deals - discount retailers, money saving blogs and coupon (*gasp*) yes, coupon-websites.

So today, it is with great pride that I announce, that I'm officially a grown-up girl. After careful planning, some hard work and a big bucket of self control - I'm down a dress size, nearly 20 pounds and am officially credit card debt free. How about that for progress?


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Retro Saturday

This weekend I went retro. I visited a few old favorites and found some new inspiration.

Saturday morning I woke up with Bruce...and by Bruce, I mean "The Boss". I've been working out to a lot of new music lately, but this time I decided to throw on some Springsteen. There's "Pink Cadillac" and "Born to Run" and don't even get me started on his jeans. If that isn't inspiration to do more cardio, I don't know what is. What can I say? I loved it. I love him. It's nice to have new music, but you definitely can't forget your first love.

Saturday afternoon, I stumbled across an all-time favorite movie: "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". If you haven't seen this movie you need to.  The tension and chemistry between the two leading characters is phenomenal. Paul Newman is dreamy (tortured, but dreamy) and Elizabeth Taylor is amazing. As fantastic as they both are, I've always felt the real star of that movie is Elizabeth Taylor's white dress. It's hard to take your eyes off of.

Someday in the near future, after a few more rounds on the elliptical, I'm going to buy a dress just like this and if I look 1/16th as hot as her in this dress, I'll be set. I have no idea where, or to what event I'll where it, but I'm sure I'll find a party. I always do...

And finally, in a effort to embrace my inner child, I spent a few hours of my Saturday night tubing at Buck Hill with my co-workers. I haven't been tubing since I was little, so I was an accident waiting to happen. I was terrified of flying out of the tube and crash landing, but I hooked up to the tow-rope and hit the hill. My first time down was a catastrophe, I didn't know you're supposed to out your feet down at the, I flew backwards into Jason. Let's just say I'm the proud owner of a size 13 boot print on my thigh. Typically, this is where I would have said "no thank you" to any more attempts but I decided to give it another go. My second attempt was a success! I may be a little banged-up, but I had some good laughs and would absolutely go again.

I had fun re-visiting old favorites. It made me realize there's so many things I want to try for the first or the second time. Here's to going retro, and re-discovering "new things".


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Under The Weather...

I'm snuggled on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea, trying to get rid of the less-than-sexy cough and scratchy throat; think part Kathleen Turner, part dog bark - it's hot.

Today's workout was tough. My focus wasn't all there and my energy was low. The idea of skipping the workout was super tempting but I've got lots to do, so off I went. On the way home, I was wiped out and wondering what the heck possessed me to workout when I was feeling under the weather. Then I heard a new favorite song that reminds me of nothing but fun, and a certain potential birthday party dress that requires a more few more crunches to get into. I guess there's no days off for this girl:

I hope everyone starts working on their moves, because March is just around the corner. Here's to working hard and playing even harder (just as soon as I quit blowing my nose).


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Like Me Again

It's the beginning of week seven and I feel more in control of my entire person then I ever have. I'm really starting to see how this whole experience is more than just a twelve week boot camp.

Today's workout was really tough and at some points, I felt like my body was back in week one. The feeling made me think back to seven weeks ago - to sixteen pounds ago - to the "before" girl. That girl was still sassy and fabulous, but somewhere along the way, she lost part of who she was because she wasn't taking control. She lost some of her "oomph!"

I decided to go back and read my "Being a Before" post from week one. At that time, I shared with everyone what I felt were some "not so pretty" details about being overweight:

 1. It's hard to prance around in heels when you've got extra cushion for the pushin'. My little legs and feet get tired.

2. Stretch marks and cellulite are for people who've had kids, right??? Wrong. I'd love to be in a wedding or attend a special event without wearing shapewear. There's nothing sexy or comfortable about feeling like a sausage. If you've worn shapewear, you know what I mean.

3. Knowing you're the same weight (if not more) then most of your male friends doesn't exactly make you feel "petite".

4. My clothes cost more. Bigger clothes, bigger price, smaller wallet, less shopping. Boo!

5. I'm too heavy to be carried. I weigh far more then what people bench press at the gym, so I'm not trying to cause anyone injury. I know that sounds weird, but it bugs me.

Want to hear about the progress? Well, Saturday night I was out for a fantastic sweetheart's surprise graduation party (congrats again Miss Manda!) and I decided to spiffy up for the occasion. What I can tell you is: the heels replaced the flats, sexy lace tights replaced the not-so-sexy shapewear, and the dress was new and smaller. I may not be "petite" quite yet and I'm still too heavy to be carried, but I'll get there. Just look how far I've come in seven weeks?

I'm starting to feel like me again, and I think some of that "oomph" may be back.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dance Party!

Last week I was feeling under the weather and my cardio suffered. I should of sucked it up, but who wants to hit the elliptical with Kleenex shoved up their nose?!? This week I'm back in business and need to hit the cardio hard (this is where my trainer starts smiling because he realizes I was paying attention tonight). I need to kick it up a notch.

This Christmas, I got an itunes gift card from a certain thoughtful hunny and I realized I have yet to put it to use. New music sounds like the perfect way to get my butt moving (quite literally).  So, I've started a workout music "wish list". First on the list? Who's That Chick? by David Guetta featuring Rihanna. Listen to this song and tell me you don't want to dance around like a nut. What's on your ipod? Anything new you just have to share? I'm taking any and all suggestions. I'll shake my money maker to just about anything; except death metal - no thanks!

On a side note...I won a award this week - the "Stylish Blogger Award" (thanks Truly!) A condition of accepting the award is listing 7 personal things about yourself and nominating other new blogs for the award. 

1. I'm obsessed with pink. I love it, I can't get enough of it. I wish I had a pink car...
2. I'm Scottish and Norwegian. I like the Scottish part. The Norwegian part is goofy. 
3. I'm terrified of sharks, scary movies, blood and losing someone I love.
4. I can't get blood drawn sitting up, I pass out.
5. I love my husband's relationship with his friends. It reminds me of "Stand By Me".
6. I absolutely love shooting my bow. I can wait to take more lessons this year. 
7. I've had panic attacks since High School. I've learned how to manage them and I'm proud of myself, because I never knew how brave I was. 

So there's my list of 7 things and I'm on the lookout for new and stylish blogs to give this honor to. Stay tuned!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finding New Favorites at Week Six

Well, here we are - six weeks in and feeling good. Tonight was the official "halftime"of our 12-week boot camp. We weighed in (just like every Tuesday night) but this Tuesday was different, because we had measurements taken. All I can say is thank you Jesus! The inches are coming off and so are the pounds. I'm down 14.5 pounds and can feel every ounce. Love, love, love!  Birthday dress, here I come!

These past six weeks have taught me to try new things. I haven't loved everything, but that's okay, because I certainly haven't hated everything either. This weekend I discovered some new favorites I thought I would share:

*Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes
My gorgeous friend Ashleigh has gotten herself quite slim and trim in these past few years. She's a talented cook and is diligent about proper nutrition. In her journey to fabulousness, she's found that a gluten-free lifestyle has helped keep her body in tune.
Last week we planned a Sunday outing to our Mecca (see below listed store) with a stop for breakfast first (because every girl needs fuel before she power-shops). Ashleigh's breakfast suggestion was "The Original Pancake House". Now even though this sounds sinful, they offer egg white omelets and gluten-free options, so I thought I'd give it a try.
If you haven't had a blueberry gluten-free pancakes with blueberry compote, go find The taste was great and I didn't have that overstuffed, guilty feeling when I was done with my breakfast treat. I may not be 100% gluten-free, but I'm certainly going to try more gluten-free options. Two thumbs up from this girl.

*The Container Store -
I'm pretty sure when I die, my heaven will have a "Container Store" on one of it's corners. This place has everything you could ever want to organize your existence. If you feel the least bit in disarray, this is your place. Check it out and if you don't want to go alone, I'll go with you - because who doesn't need another shoe tree?!?

Now you know what I love. So go get yourself some blueberry pancakes and organize a closet, or do yourself a favor and get out and try something new.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

A little of this and absolutely none of that!

It's amazing how deceiving packaging on food can be. Portion sizes and labels really mean nothing, unless you know exactly what you're looking for. Just because something says "Low Fat" or "Diet" or doesn't mean it's a healthy choice.

Here's a shocking little detail...last week I went to brunch and had a small caramel roll as an indulgence (about 1/2 the size of my palm). It was homemade and delicious. When my food log came back I saw it had 310 calories, 11 grams of fat and 4.5 grams of saturated fat. It was an indulgence, but I felt okay about it. What I did not feel okay with, was the two (that's right two) Andes mints I had after dinner which had 157 calories, 9.7 grams of fat and 8.2 grams of saturated fat. Those two little unimportant mints had twice the saturated fat of my decedent caramel roll. Eeek!

This just goes to show you how important it is to read the labels on everything! Ignore the packaging and "healthy catch-phrases" manufactures put on their products - and above all, just because something looks small, doesn't mean it's not loaded with scary things. It should be against the law for chocolate after-dinner mints to have more fat than a caramel roll. Seriously.

In an effort to avoid any more scary run-ins with unruly, fat-laden mints, I'm reading the book "Eat This, Not That -Supermarket Survival Guide". One of my boot camp buddies was sweet enough to let me borrow her copy for a few days, to do a little research. Boy, did I learn a few things. The book compares everything from popcorn to pastries. What brands to try and what brands to avoid like the plague.

 I've also tried to do most of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. The labels have ingredients you can actually read, it's cost effective and the food is really yummy. Which brings me to my new love this week: Trader Joe's Roasted Garlic Hummus with Whole Wheat Pita Bread - Delish!

I never thought I'd like hummus, but this stuff is amazing! It's creamy and just garlicky enough to satisfy your craving (minus the extra garlic dragon breath) . If you haven't tried it, you should!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The banishment of the "later" pants.

I took the weekend off to spend some quality time with my hubby and spend a little time organizing my closet. The quality time with the hubby was great (sushi and movies make for a fantastic date) and the organizing of my closet went pretty well too.

What prompted the whole thing? Well, the quality time with the husband is pretty self explanatory. If you've met my husband, you'd know why I like spending time with him. The organizing my closet part, came about last Friday...

Friday morning, I got dressed in a hurry and ran out the door. It wasn't until I reached work, that I realized I had on very poorly fitting jeans. Now, before anyone gets too excited, this isn't a "Biggest Loser" moment where I can fit a whole extra leg's worth of space in one side of my pants. However, the waist had a little bit more give than I'd prefer, the legs were baggy and the rear end was a disaster. It wasn't pretty.

I made it through the work day, disaster jeans and all, and ran home to change before we went out for the night. As I was going through my closet to pick out something new- I realized I had hung the saggy, baggy disaster pants back in my closet, to save for "later". Later? When was there going to be a later to wear these suckers? The goal of this lifestyle change is to not to look or feel the way I have in the past. I knew what I had to do...

Saturday morning I tore through my closet. I was amazed at how many items I had saved for "later". They were just as pathetic looking as the excuses I had packed up with them - "Maybe I should keep this one in case I gain a few pounds..." or "Maybe I could alter these jeans..." and my personal favorite "I could use this for maternity clothes someday, right?" So faster than you can say "cupcake", I packed up the items for consignment, and gave them the boot.

I've made the decision to officially banish the "later" pants and any other nonsense items from my closet. I don't need a pile of ill-fitting clothes second-guessing my success. It's out with the old and in with the new. Losing weight and gaining closet.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

No diets here!

I write down everything I eat and drink. I've been doing this for four weeks as a part of my boot camp program. Every Thursday, we get a dietary analysis from our trainer breaking down calories, carbs, fats and proteins.  It gives us a gage of what to increase and decrease to achieve success.

I'm learning how to fuel my body and it feels amazing. I've spent so much time mistreating my tummy by filing it with the wrong things or not filing it at all. My weight skyrocketed, my energy level was low and my metabolism was DOA. All that is changing, and it's because of the changes I've made to my diet:

*No more fast food. Yes, McDonald's and I are still broken up.

*Switched from white to whole grains. I didn't have to quit eating bread and pasta - I just started eating  healthier versions and better portions. You need carbs to live and fuel your body. This was the best news I think I've ever heard. Tears of joy people, tears of joy.

*I started a love affair with fruit and vegetables.

*Water, water, water, water. Did I mention I drink a lot of water?

*Reading the labels before I eat it. I need more calories and carbs and less fat and protein than I thought. Now I know what to look for on labels. Yay me!

I could buy into a fad diet and eat nothing but broccoli and grapefruits and I would lose tons of weight and do it quickly, but then I would gain it all back the moment I did anything differently - and I didn't sign up for that. I'm not worried about being a certain size on a certain date. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and the weight will come off - the right way. No more damaging diets, as a matter of diets at all! I want to be a healthy, happy wife, daughter, sister, friend and one day - a happy healthy mother.

I'm going to grab a few cutie clementines (my new favorite after dinner treats!) and cuddle up with my real life cuties on the couch.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Four Weeks. Ten Pounds. What's Up!

I began my boot camp workout journey four weeks ago. My starting weight was 255.7 pounds. Today, I stepped on the scale and it read 245.0 pounds (on the dot!) - 10.7 pounds gone.

I can feel the muscles under the marshmallow. My clothes are fitting better. My posture has improved. I even wore a cute dress to work today, with no Spanks. Victory!

I know there will be days when my weight may go up. That there may be days when I feel motivation slipping or give in to temptation. I vow to make those days few and get right back on track. Mostly because this feeling of accomplishment is amazing and I wouldn't trade it for 10 red velvet cupcakes!

So what have I learned in these past few weeks? It's not just about the cardio and nutrition log. It's about taking time to take care of yourself - body and soul. It's amazing how bogged down we get with everyday life. How often do you take time for yourself? When was the last time you hit the elliptical or tried a yoga class? How about the last time you savored a meal? As a matter of fact, when was the last time you called your mother or had a heart-to-heart with your best friend? Taking time out in the day to recharge yourself is the key to a happier, healthier body - and I've got four weeks of research to back it up.

So off you go, do something nice for your body. You have my permission. Better yet - that's an order :)


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fresh Start

I love January 1st. Always full of such promise. This year is going to be different. This is going to be the year where promises and resolutions become everyday habits. I'm taking steps to organize my life (body and soul) and it feels amazing.

Every week this adventure has me looking for things to keep me balanced and busy. Here are my new loves for this week:

"Just Dance 2"
If you have a Wii, go and get this game.  It has a "Just Sweat" mode that gets your body moving and heart rate up. When the elliptical gets a little bland, this game saves the day. Watch out Moose Country, I'm brushing up on my dances moves with the help of Donna Summer and Rihanna.

"Naked Mighty Mango 100% Juice Smoothies"
Last week, my nutrition assessment blew me out of the water. I learned that good carbs are my friends and I need more of them. Enter "Naked Smoothies" - filling, full of natural fruit, high on carbs and low on fat.  Split these bad boys in two and they make for an awesome snack that satisfies a sweet tooth.

"Food Network's How To Boil Water - Life Beyond Takeout"
I am NOT a cook. I don't like to cook, but that doesn't mean I don't need to learn how. Eating healthy and controlling spending requires making meals at home. It's time for me to suck it up and learn how.  
My fantastic best friend Ashleigh let me borrow her "first cookbook" that taught her the basics of cooking. If her current dishes are any indication, I should memorize this book. I've already skimmed through it and can feel a trip to Trader Joe's coming on.

That's what I found this week. Thanks to everyone for sharing their exercise tips and recipes - please keep them coming! The weight is coming off slowly, and every one's support is making the difference.

Enjoy your first day of 2011 - *MUAH*