Monday, May 30, 2011

Must Love Sweat

Never say never. That's what I've learned. I never thought I'd like exercise and I never thought I'd like to sweat. Well, I was wrong. Never say never...

I've been working my butt off for nearly six months. Every pound and inch I've lost I've had to fight for. I've cried, laughed, screamed, smiled, failed and succeeded my way through nearly forty pounds.  It's never been easy, but it's always been worth it.

I've only got a few more weeks left of boot camp so I've been busy trying new foods like greek yogurt (which I love and can't go a day without) and new workout routines like Zumba - watch out Shakira - and Cardio Kickboxing - watch out world, I'm a uncoordinated kicking machine. If you haven't tried any or all  of the above listed items you've got to.  Seriously, I'll even try them with you.

I'm learning to love new adventures and with the new adventures I've got a few milestones to report:

*I can bear the thought of wearing shorts in public.

*I can eat a blueberry muffin without gaining five pounds or  thinking about gaining five pounds. 

*I can now wear a size 18 jean. Which is four sizes smaller than I was sporting six months ago. Love!

*I can now feel a bicep. I can't really see it yet, but I can feel it, so I know it's there...and that's a good start.

Lots of things to be proud of. Lots of things to work hard for.  Lots of things to look forward to. 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yum! And Other Good Things.


Boca Original Chick'n
When I'm hankering for fast food (particularly the forbidden McDonald's chicken nugget) I turn to these puppies. They're half the fat of a regular chicken patty and when you crisp them up in the oven, they're pretty tasty. Its not a deep fried piece of chicken, but it'll do.

Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt
These suckers have no fat and are only 70 calories per bar. Go out and buy some to share with your friends...or keep them all to your self. I'm not judging. They're pretty darn good.

Other Good Things

1. Having your pants taken in, buying a smaller dress size and a new development this week! Having your wedding ring taken down a size or two. Yay for skinny fingers!

2. Feeling muscles in my arms, for the first time EVER. Calm down...there's no gun show, but there is definitely some muscle happening in there somewhere.

3. Trying new things. This week: gluten-free brownies and Zumba class. Wish me luck!

4. Compliments when you least expect them. I got a few today and either I was wearing one hell of a dress, or all my hard work is paying off.  Come to think of it, maybe it's both.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sassy Dress Season

Warm weather is finally upon us. The windows are open, the sun is shining, and the sandals are out. Pool time, bonfires and cocktails on the patio are here! I love this time of year. There's so much fun on the agenda and so many reason to buy something new to wear. That's right, thus begins sassy dress season!

At the top of the warm weather festivities for us this year, is a Maxey Family Wedding. If you know me, and you know my in-laws, then you know these people take their party planning seriously. They throw a damn good shindig; which means there's one thing left for me to do; find something to wear!

So online shopping  I went, and here's what I found:

Love, love, love!

I've got the dress on order and a little over six weeks to tone up and slim down to do this little number justice. I'm declaring this: "Sassy Red Dress Challenge 2011". After weeks of feeling blah, this is just the motivation I need to reboot my body. It's hardcore workouts and healthy eating full speed. No more slacking, it's "Sassy Red Dress Challenge 2011" or bust!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Not Quite Marilyn...But It's Progress

For the first time in a long time my weight is down in the 220s. That's a long, long way from the 250 plus pounds where I started. I decided to reward myself with a pretty, pink polka dot swimsuit. It's not an airbrushed goddess, it's not an "after" and it's not quite Marilyn, but it's progress...and I think it's pretty damn cute.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Little White Daisies

The older I get, the more I appreciate simple. I never thought I'd feel this way, but I crave simple. Less clutter, less drama, less stress, less worry. I'm there.

This weekend I was out and saw little white daisies. Daisies make me smile. They've always been close to my heart. They remind me of a women I never met but feel very much a part of - my Grandma Mary. I've been told Mary Jane Rusten was a gentle and practical women with a kind spirit and a loving heart. My dad tells me I have her eyes. I aspire to be more like her.

I recently read an article that suggested the key to a happier, healthier life was to live more like our grandparents did decades ago. Buy what you can afford, eat things from the ground (not a box), treat people with kindness, savor face-to-face conversations and learn to love and appreciate what you have today, because tomorrow you may have more, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be better.

So my little white daisies sit in their vase in my kitchen as a reminder to appreciate the simple things. I hope you do the same this week, because I think we could all benefit from a little sunshine.