Saturday, February 26, 2011

Girl On The Go

Here I am!

I'm in the middle of my 10 day business trip in the currently not so warm and not so sunny California Apparently I brought the "bad" weather with me, because it snowed in San Francisco for the first time in 30 years. Now when I say "snowed" I mean there was frost on cars and a few flakes fell. However that's a MAJOR event here. The local news is discussing the "winter weather conditions". They actually shut down a part of the interstate for a few hours this morning due to "possible ice" - hilarious.

When I'm not watching Californians prepare for "Snowmagedon", I've been super busy at work, running around like a mad woman. Working long hours and living in a hotel have put my fitness and eating plan to the test, but I'm trying hard to stay on track. I make it a point to wake up early and drag my butt to the gym each morning because I know after a long, stressful day, my hotel room will be calling my name.

Eating well becomes challenge when you don't have a kitchen, so I'm watching my portions and trying to eat smart. It's tough to remember to eat and drink often enough when you're caught up in your day, so I've learned to grab things on the go, and this week I've found a new favorite:

Chocolate Chip Clif Bar

Yum, yum, yum. Is this thing a cookie? Clif Bars are the "big brother" to Luna Bars (same company, I guess this is the manly version of their energy bar) and these puppies are so good. Unlike some energy bars, you can taste the real ingredients (oatmeal, chocolate chunks, maybe some cinnamon?) and they keep you full for a reasonable amount of time. Pair this fella with a banana in the morning, and you've got a quick breakfast on the go.

Today I've got the day off and have plans to visit San Francisco for the first time. I'm going to be touristy and ridiculous and can't wait to tell you all about it.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


I love when things come together perfectly. I actually think I love "perfect" to a fault. To me, there's no better feeling than a clean house with folded laundry, groceries in the fridge and a schedule in check. I don't like when my nails are chipped, my floors are dirty, my coat is missing a button or I'm running late. I organize my drawers and closets once a month. I have a hard time relaxing because I'm always planning, coordinating or cleaning something, someone, someplace. I'm constantly thinking about how I can do things better. And while there are some benefits to my type-a insanity, it can take it toll. I am my toughest critic.

Right now I could tell you 15 things on my "to-do" list, and I don't think any of them are truly important to anybody but me.  I'm not sure where it comes from, but I've always felt the a certain intensity to strive for perfection. To be the best daughter, sister, wife and friend possible. Some days I feel perfect in my grasp, and some days I feel far, far away from it.

I've been working really hard to focus on the important things and let go the constant pursuit of "perfect". I have to remember to take time to eat right, exercise and invest my time in the people, places and things that I care about and that truly care about me. The rest is just details.

Being a responsible grown-up is definitely one of my full time jobs, but I don't want to miss out on all good things in life , because I was chasing a "perfect"that might not matter. Which reminds me, I think there's a couch with a blue-eyed, freckle-faced boy and a fluffy white pillow dog calling my name - and how could I say no to that?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Heart These

Tis the season for sweethearts. Valentine's Day is upon us and love is in the air - and while I know I'll be busy making kissy-faces at my sweetie all weekend long, I've also got a few new things I'm head over heels in love with...

*Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle Bars - These ice cream bars really live up to their name - Chocolate Truffle! I hate low calories desserts that taste fakey, this is so not one of those.

*Lucie Lu's Margeaux Dress in Blue Iris - Wrap dresses are amazing and anything by Lucie Lu is fantastic. A Lucie Lu wrap dress? I'm not sure there's anything better. If you're curvy and haven't been to Lucie's website, check it out. Her pieces fit like a glove and are super chic:

*Mumford and Sons - I love their sound, and can totally picture a cooler version of myself swirling around barefoot on a dimly lit dance floor to this song..."Mumford and Sons, will you be my valentine(s)?"


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Fourth Quarter

Week nine, here we are. Fours weeks of boot camp left. Eighteen boot camp pounds gone. Inches lost. My trainer calls it the fourth quarter. Time to push it, to hit the training sessions hard and the cardio homework harder.

My body craves exercise. It craves wholesome food. I can do things today, that I was incapable of doing two months ago. I've learned more about my body in these nine weeks than I have in the last...well...ever actually. I'm not hungry, I'm not cranky and I'm seeing progress.

And while I've worked very hard for my results, but I would of never gotten as far I as have today, without my boot camp training sessions and the trainer who runs it.

I've given high heels, low calorie cheese and yoga mats shout-outs on my blog. I think it's time to sing the praises of the man with the plan:

Chris Dixon of Insider Training

He's focused, knowledgeable, energetic, motivating and is a person who I can honestly say, truly loves what he does for a living. I hope everyone has a Chris Dixon in their life, and if you don't, well now you know where to get one.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Here's what I'm obsessed with this week:

*Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese with Trader Joe's 12 Grain Mini Snack Crackers - 35 calories in one spreadable wedge and 140 calories in 22 crackers. The best afternoon snack ever!

*Forever 21 + Plus Sizes - Dear Curvy Girls, Forever 21 is not just for skinny-minis. Check them out in-store at the Mall of America or online. Trendy, cheap and adorable.

*These Shoes - Don't they just scream my name? Love. 

Tonight my trainer introduced the resistance bands routine into our workout, to shake things up and help pick up the "booty shaping" pace.  Ironically, between band reps, cardio and wall-sits, one of my favorite songs came on...aaand it is was very fitting.

So how was the new routine? I think I'll let Duffy tell you, because I have a party-filled weekend right around the corner and this sassy princess need her beauty rest!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Trimming Up The Waistline, Fattening Up The Wallet

Healthy eating is not expensive. Fitness memberships and personal training sessions are not expensive.  Convenience is expensive. Dinners out, last minute shopping, fast food - that's the expensive stuff.

Sure your trip to McDonald's doesn't cost a lot, but go through your receipts or bank statement and add up all the fast food trips, dinners out and coffee shop stops in a week and you'll be shocked. Before I started boot camp I was spending well over $30.00 a week on morning trips to Caribou for a 500 calorie drink. That's $120.00 and 10,000 calories a month for coffee. Yikes!

At the beginning of this journey, I set out to shrink my waistline and fatten my wallet; what I didn't realize then was these two things actually go hand in hand. Moving your body and eating better changes everything. You look better, you feel better and you spend better. I plan before I grocery shop, eating out is an occasion (not a everyday event) and Caribou is a special treat. I'm now officially a barginista. I budget. I'm in love with deals - discount retailers, money saving blogs and coupon (*gasp*) yes, coupon-websites.

So today, it is with great pride that I announce, that I'm officially a grown-up girl. After careful planning, some hard work and a big bucket of self control - I'm down a dress size, nearly 20 pounds and am officially credit card debt free. How about that for progress?